Survey Scoring: What Do the Scores Mean?

Remember: The Tool Kit survey scores are indicators of valued Boys & Girls Club outcomes for youth.

As a first step in generating these scores, the Tool Kit scores each question response on a three-point scale:

  • The most positive response receives three points.
  • The middle response receives two points.
  • The least positive response receives one point.

The Tool Kit then adds these individual question scores together for each cluster of questions, thus producing an outcome indicator score for each cluster.

Each respondent’s outcome indicator scores are compared with the outcome indicator scores of youth who participated in a national field-test group in the fall of 2003 for this Tool Kit. The national field-test group was made up of more than 3,000 youth in 12 Club organizations around the country who completed the revised surveys. (You can go to About the Revised Tool Kit Surveys to learn more about the revision process.)

Thus, the new Tool Kit now gives scores that place survey takers in one of three categories, based on how the 2003 national field-test group scored:

  • Doing Great: Indicator scores at this level are in the upper range of the field-test group. These scores suggest the percentage of Club youth who have achieved the outcome described. This group of youth is likely to be able to provide leadership and peer mentoring to Club members in the indicator area.
  • Doing Fine: Indicator scores at this level fall in the middle range of the field-test group. These scores show the percent of Club members with a generally positive status on each outcome. Positive support from Club programs should continue to benefit this group of youth.
  • Room to Grow: Indicator scores at this level fall in the bottom range of the field-test group. These scores show the percent of youth who have a need for additional support on each outcome.

Each young person’s scores are grouped with those of other survey takers from the same Club during the same survey administration period, then these cumulative results are reported in graphs or tables created by the Tool Kit.

Now that you know how the surveys are scored and what the scores mean, let’s see what kind of reports the Tool Kit will give you.

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